Kingdom Come Deliverance Bow Console Commands
p_gravity_z X – Changes the intensity of gravity (default is 13).wh_pl_showfirecursor 1 – Adds a reticule when aiming a bow.r_depthofFieldmode 0 - Disables Depth of field durring dialogue.e_MergedMeshesInstanceDist X – Changes the distance at which grass is animated (default is 20).e_ViewDistRatioVegetation X – Changes the distance at which trees start to render (default is 500).e_ViewDistRatio X – Changes the distance at which objects start to render (default is 500).cl_fov X – Sets the field of view to X (default is 60).
To use the console, press ~, then input the code and press Enter.
How to use the console commands in Kingdom Come: Deliverance and disable the HUD for those oh so great screenshots!